Supplies 2024-2025
All students Grade K and above must have daily access to a functioning laptop at home and at school. The laptop and charger must be clearly labeled and brought to school in a protective laptop bag.
Pre-K3 & Pre-K4: Please label ALL SUPPLIES with student's name
Water bottle marked for school
School Supply box
Pencil sharpener
2 large erasers
3 notebooks
2 pocket folders
Watercolor paints
16 or more crayons
Small whiteboard
Glue Stick
Glue bottle
Whiteboard eraser
Whiteboard marker
One pack of pencil(12)
Painting apron
Hand sanitizer
Hand soap
Paper towel
Toilet paper
2 packs Construction paper (Crayola)
Drawing pad/ sketch pad for ART 14”x17”
Color pencils (24 or more)
Kindergarten – 6th - Please label with student’s name
Water bottle marked for school
School Supply box
Pencil sharpener
2 large erasers
Pack of 24 or more Colored pencils
Large drawing pad/sketch pad for ART 14”x17”
9 notebooks
3 pocket folders
Watercolor paints
24 or more crayons
No. 2 pencils (60 pencils)
Glue Stick
Small whiteboard
Liquid white glue
Small whiteboard
12-inch ruler loose-leaf paper (wide ruled) 100 sheets per student is enough
1 highlighter-yellow
1 plastic binder pocket
Tablet for occasional classroom use
Grades 5 and 6 need a laptop with charger for periodic use, Word and Excel
For Art, clearly marked with name. These are for student's personal use:
Pack of 12 or more Colored pencils
Large drawing pad/sketch pad for ART 14”x18” for painting - a heavier paper
Pack of 12 water-based markers
Box of crayons
1 Glue Stick
1 pack of construction paper(Crayola)
1 set of watercolor paints
1 pack of oil pastels
6 acrylics/tempera paint bottles (Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Black, and then either Orange, Green, Purple)
2 black permanent marker
6 paintbrushes - all sizes