Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.
On Christ the solid rock we stand
JLM Christian Academy as a community is here to educate, nurture, enlighten, encourage, build self-esteem, and develop good Christian character for our students to impact their world for the glory of God.
We aim to be a community that shows God's love to all students and families.
JLMCA's goal is to make a difference in the lives of each family in our community. We seek to have academic excellence in the lives of every child that God has sent on our path.
Unleash your potential
Our goal is to educate our students to help them reach their full potential as a positive citizen who will empower society to be a better place to live. Our teachers are educated and trained to give each student the tools needed to achieve academic success and think critically in a climate of high expectations, teacher warmth and encouragement, and pleasant physical surroundings.
Stronger Together
At JLM Christian Academy it is our aspiration, in partnership with the home, to encourage young people toward maturity in their relationships with God and others. The support of every family is needed to empower us to serve in this way.